The MHS Publishes
The Massachusetts Historical Society has maintained its own publishing program since 1792 and hosts the Adams Papers Editorial Project.
Recent & Popular Publications
Written by Kimberly S. Alexander. Foreword by Anne E. Bentley
Based on the exhibition of the same name presented at the Massachusetts Historical Society from October 2018 to April 2019, 这个配套的卷功能超过一百全彩色照片的服装, textiles, and accessories, 其中许多从未向公众展示过,也从未在人们的记忆中看到过. Read more about 塑造新英格兰家庭.
The Papers of Robert Treat Paine, Volume 4:1778-1786
Edited by Edward W. Hanson
The fourth volume of this series encompasses Robert Treat Paine’s time as Massachusetts Attorney General. The documents in this volume highlight the quest for order in a nation gripped by violence and upheaval. 潘恩致力于改革和执行法律.
Read more about Robert Treat Paine.
The Future of History
基于2016年9月在MHS召开的未来历史研讨会, 本卷提出了14个简短的观点, all by workshop participants, that provide a broad overview of current challenges and opportunities--and where our engagement with those might take us in the coming years.
你可以下载电子版,也可以订购印刷版 here.
The Winthrop Papers
This Winthrop Papers Digital Edition presents the digitized content of the previously published volumes from the Winthrop Papers documentary edition, 马萨诸塞州历史学会的出版物. 研究人员现在可以在线访问第1卷到第4卷的内容, comprising annotated transcriptions of Winthrop document composed primarily in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Charles Francis Adams, Sr.:内战日记(未经证实的抄本)
This digital edition provides early access to Charles Francis Adams’s diaries from January 1861 through April 1865 as he served as minister to the Court of St. 詹姆斯的父亲和祖父在几十年前担任过这个职位.
以前出版的亚当斯论文卷,完全编辑和注释,出现在这里: Adams Papers Digital Edition.
The Private Jefferson: Perspectives from the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
With essays by Peter S. Onuf, Andrea Wulf和Henry Adams
One of U.S. 作为历史上最杰出的人物,托马斯·杰斐逊既令人难以捉摸,又令人尊敬. The Private Jefferson opens a window onto the third president’s inner life by digging into the single largest cache of Thomas Jefferson’s private papers, 在马萨诸塞州历史学会举行. Generously illustrated with over 100 full-color reproductions of architectural drawings, letters, and other manuscripts.
Read more about The Private Jefferson.
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press
平装本(2016)ISBN: 978-1-936520-09-1
$60.00精装本(2016)ISBN: 978-1-936520-08-4
来自战场的信件和照片: The World War I Memoir of Margaret Hall
Edited by Margaret R. Higonnet with Susan Solomon
In August 1918, a Massachusetts-born woman named Margaret Hall boarded a transport ship in New York City that would take her across the Atlantic to work with the American Red Cross in France, 就在那时,英国陷入了与德国的毁灭性的、看似无休止的冲突之中. The year she spent near the Western Front was eye opening; careful not to let her experience slip away like a strange dream, 她在一系列信件中详尽地描述了这一点, journals, and nearly 300 photographs that she would weave into a powerful narrative when she returned stateside. That narrative, 马萨诸塞州历史学会收藏的手稿, 现在是第一次出版吗.
Read more about 来自战场的信件和照片.
256 pages, 83 b&w illustrations
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press.
35美元平装本(2014)ISBN: 978-1-936520-07-7
The Cabinetmaker & the Carver
By Gerald W. R. Ward. Foreword by Dennis Fiori.
The Cabinetmaker and the Carver provides an opportunity to see a carefully selected group of significant examples of Boston furniture representing the trajectory of the city's great tradition of furniture making. 呈现在近100全彩插图, these objects illustrate many of the local characteristics that distinguish Boston work from that of other cities; they also open a window on Bostonians’ tastes and preferences. 由本市许多最有才华的橱柜匠人打造, carvers, turners, and other craftsmen, 几乎所有这些家具都来自当地著名的收藏品, 让公众难得一窥这些私人珍藏.
Read more about The Cabinetmaker and the Carver.
64 pages, 80 color illustrations
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press
30美元平装本(2013)ISBN: 978-1-936520-06-0
By Sarah Nehama. Sarah Nehama和Anne E. Bentley.
为配合和记录同名展览而编制的简编; 《哀悼的死亡:英美哀悼珠宝的传统 功能全彩色照片的主要例子的戒指, bracelets, brooches, 还有其他17世纪的丧服首饰, 18th, and 19th centuries. The catalog, like the exhibition at the MHS, 展示了该协会和莎拉·内哈马的收藏资料, 他是一位珠宝商和私人收藏家,也是MHS活动的共同策划人. 这些优雅而令人回味的物品在语境中呈现, 包括对历史的书面解释, use, and meaning of the jewelry, 以及相关的物质文化, such as broadsides, photographs, portraits, funeral medals, and trade cards. 包括的珠宝将说明一些最典型的类型, from early gold bands with death’s head iconography to jeweled brooches and intricately woven hairwork pieces of the Civil War era. Read more.
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press
平装本(2012)ISBN: 978-1-936520-03-9
Thomas Jefferson's Granddaughter in Queen Victoria's England: The Travel Diary of Ellen Wayles Coolidge, 1838-1839
By Ellen Wayles Coolidge. 编辑:安·卢卡斯·比尔和丽莎·A. Francavilla
Ellen Wayles Coolidge arrived in London in June 1838 at the advent of Queen Victoria's reign—the citizens were still celebrating the coronation. During her nine-month stay, 柯立芝的日记揭示了她年轻时所受的不寻常的教育, 当时她和祖父托马斯·杰斐逊一起在蒙蒂塞洛生活和学习. 这本书首次出版了她日记的全文, opening up her text for today's readers with carefully researched annotations that provide the historical context. Read more
464 pages, 22 color and 13 b&w illustrations and 2 maps
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press
$45.00精装本(2011)ISBN: 978-1-936520-02-2
Adams Papers Digital Edition
The Adams Papers Digital Edition 提供免费在线访问数十卷出版的 Adams Papers Editorial Project. 这个数字版本包括所有的历史文件的文本, all editorial text, and a single consolidated index.
Text by Judith S. Graham, Margaret A. Hogan, Ondine Le Blanc, Gregg L. Lint, and C. James Taylor
几乎每一页都有全彩插图, this volume showcases Adams-related manuscripts from the collections at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The selections are grouped in four chapters—including one on John and Abigail's famous correspondence and another highlighting John's contributions to the Revolution—and each chapter provides short explanations of historical context. Read more
42 pages, 75 color illustrations
$20.00平装本(2008)ISBN: 978-0-934909-92-1
By Henry Adams. 爱德华·查尔方特和康拉德·艾迪克·赖特编辑
Both a winner of the Pulitzer Prize and at the head of the Modern Library's list of the 100 best English-language nonfiction books of the 20th century, The Education of Henry Adams 一直被尊为伟大的文学作品吗. With 亨利·亚当斯的教育:百年版本, editors Edward Chalfant and Conrad Edick Wright have at long last returned this celebrated book to the author's vision. Read more
542 pages
Distributed by the University of Virginia Press
$34.95精装本(2007)ISBN: 978-0-934909-91-4
$19.95平装本(2008)ISBN: 978-0-934909-93-8
我们为自由而战:马萨诸塞州,非裔美国人 & the Civil War
唐纳德·亚科沃内著,詹姆斯·奥巴马(James O. Horton
This excellent introduction to the contribution of African Americans to the Union effort also showcases remarkable visual materials from African American history in general. The book highlights the efforts of the Massachusetts 54th Infantry Regiment—the regiment featured in the film Glory—by drawing on a rich collection of relevant papers and unique photographs in the Society's archives.
36 pages, 56 illustrations
$10.00 Paperback (2022, 2nd rev. ed.) ISBN: 978-0-934909-66-2
订购请发邮件至 (A $2.50 shipping & 所有邮寄订单将额外收取手续费.)
Works Published by the MHS
Massachusetts Historical Review
Published Collections
以MHS收藏为基础的书籍,包括两个长期存在的系列: Collections of the MHS and Winthrop Papers. These volumes present the content of the Society's holdings with gold-standard transcriptions and helpful annotations.
Sibley's Harvard Graduates
A key reference source for biographical information about the students who attended Harvard College in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Printed Catalogs & Pictorial Essays
Useful resources presenting information about different kinds of collections--print and visual arts--held by the MHS.
Biographies & Other Monographs
Paperback and hardcover publications illuminating selected topics related to MHS collections, 由该领域的专家编写.
Essay Collections
Essay anthologies presenting a selection of critical perspectives on topics central to the study of American history.
The precursor to the MHR, featuring scholarly essays, MHS藏品的复制品, 以及协会会议报告(1860-1997).
To Order
While most of the Society’s publications can be found for sale at any online bookseller, and many are distributed by the University of Virginia Press, others have to be ordered directly from the MHS, as indicated by the listing for each title. For more information on items available only through the MHS, please send an inquiry to the Publications Department.
To Submit a Proposal
Please view the Society's 出版物政策和提案指南 before sending in a submission. Proposals will be evaluated by the MHS Publications Department and Publications Committee. Contact the Publications Department with any questions.